Scales Of Gold
A Sir Crocodile Zine


What is a Zine?A Zine (short for fanzine) is a fan-made book compiled of a variety of media such as artworks, written works and/or photos. Zines are also often accompanied by physical and/or digital merchandise. They are commonly produced around a specific topic and often involve a small group of people who share a love for it!What is this Zine about?
This Zine will be focused on Sir Crocodile, a character from One Piece.
Will this Zine be digital or physical?
We are aiming for this Zine to be published physically along with digital-only options!
Will there be merch?
Yes! We are aiming to provide physical merch and depending on the interest check we will also provide digital merch!
Is this Zine for profit?
Yes, all profits will be split amongst the team and will be put towards providing contributors with their own Zine bundles!
Will you be shipping internationally?
Yes, we aim to ship worldwide should VAT and other restrictions allow it!

Zine Content

Will this Zine be NSFW or have an NSFW add-on?
No, this Zine will purely be SFW. However, there will be an NSFW/AU add-on as there was popular demand in the interest check.
Will there be shipping content allowed?
This Zine will be ship-free.
Will AU content be allowed?
For the main Zine we would like all content to be kept canon compliant. However, there will be an NSFW/AU add-on as there was popular demand in the interest check.
Do pieces have to be mainly focused on Crocodile?
Yes, Crocodile must be the centre of any pieces.
Will other characters be allowed to be included?
Absolutely! Any and all characters that make sense to be involved with Crocodile will be welcomed to any pieces as long as the main focus remains on Crocodile!


Is there an age restriction on applications?
We ask that any and all applicants are 18+ due to potential darker themes that may be included.
Can I apply for more than one role?
Of course! However, to allow for more contributors to be involved and to reduce any stress, the maximum roles we will allow someone to take is 2.
Do I need experience in Zine work to apply?
Nope! While experience is useful to have, we would also like to encourage anyone who doesn’t have experience but is eager to take part in a Zine to apply as well!
How many contributors will you be accepting?
Depending on application volume, we are hoping to welcome 25-30 artists, 8-10 merch artists and 8-10 writers on board! This will also depend on the results of the interest check and may be subject to change!
What is a pinch hitter?
This allows for you to be put on a waiting list should you wish to be and means if you don’t get initially accepted into the Zine you may be contacted if another contributor drops out!


(all dates are subject to change)

> Interest Check: 21st June 2023 – 23rd July 2023> Mod Apps: 27th July 2023 – 23rd August 2023> Mod Results: 27th August 2023> Crocodile’s Birthday: 5th September 2023> Contributor Apps: 10th September 2023 – 14th October 2023> Contributor Results: 21st October 2023> Pitches Due: 6th November 2023> Pitch Assignment: 11th November 2023> 1st Check-In: 6th December 2023> Holiday Break: 25th December 2023 – 1st January 2024> 2nd Check-In: 11th January 2024> 3rd Check-In: 3rd February 2024> 4th Check-In: 24th February 2024> Final Check-In: 6th April 2024> Pre-Orders Open: 4th May 2024> Pre-Orders Close: 8th June 2024


Moderator Team

Brooki | Headmod, Graphics Mod & Finance Mod

Hi! I'm Brooki and you might be aware that I'm a bit of a Crocodile fan (I am delusionally in love with him) so of course I had to start up a zine for my beloved Desert King! He stole my heart from the beginning of Alabasta and I've been obsessed with this beautiful stoic man ever since. I'm so so excited for this project!

Jess | Merch Mod, Shipping Mod & Finance Mod

I’m Jess! I love designing merch and sending it off to a new home for fellow OP enjoyers. My favourite thing about Crocodile is when he turns into sand when someone tries to hurt him... it's hot.

Janina | Writing Mod

Hi, I'm Janina, an avid reader, beta and zine lover. And if I love one reptile, then it's this one! That dusty man stole my heart with his fur coat and a simple "Mugiwara". Ever since Impel Down, I was hooked for good!

Levi | Art Mod

Hey there, I’m Levi! I’m that Shanks artist you’ve probably seen around. I love OP dilfs and so of course I’ve loved Crocodile since Impel Down. Why did he look so good in that prison uniform?

Rory | Formatting Mod